Saturday, April 27, 2019

Rising Hope -- Psalm 33 -- April 28, 2019

Why do we like superheroes so much?

We are wrapping up our series, Rising Hope, with Pastor Ethan’s message, “Living in Sustained Hope.” Jesus is not with us physically, yet we are called to put our full hope in Him. This week we seek to better understand what it means to live a life of hope in Jesus and what sustains our hope.

- Distinguish between false hope and true hope.
- Understand why our hope in Jesus is secure.
- Walk with each other as we wait for Jesus’ second coming.

Psalm 33


1. What and/or who, other than God, do you put your hope in?

2. How have we emptied the word “hope” of it’s meaning?

3. Share about a time when you put hope in something/someone that failed you.

4. How has your hope in Jesus been challenged?

5. What has God done in your life that strengthens your hope in Him?

6. If we don’t mind waiting for people we love, what makes waiting for God so difficult?

7. What about God’s character shows us that we should put our hope in Him?

8. How, as a small group, can you remind and encourage one another to keep hoping in Jesus?

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Rising Hope -- Galatians 5:1-14 -- April 13, 2019

For Your Consideration:
This week we are engaging a topic that may yield very personal discussion. Please, do not share about someone else without first receiving their permission. Married couples, please ask for permission if you would like to share any details about another person’s life with your spouse.

What are a few of each generation’s (Boomers, Gen-X, Millennials, Z) stereotypical addictions?

We are continuing our series, Rising Hope, with Pastor Ray’s message, “Beyond Hope.” We have been challenged to press into the hope we have in Christ. We have been encouraged to trust that through Christ, we are delivered from our sinful habits and addiction. But, we realize that oftentimes deliverance from a behavior is a long journey; a journey that we need to walk with others.
- Submit to Christ
- Seek Help from Others
- Serve Others

Galatians 5:1-14


1. What do our addictions hold us back from?

2. What connections do you see between idolatry and addiction?
3. How does a good thing (e.g., religion, exercise, tasty food, staying healthy, fun, Instagram, work, achievement, etc.) become a bad addiction?
4. What does being a son or daughter of God––no longer a slave––mean for our addictions?
5. How does hiding your shame or wearing masks make knowing who God created you to be difficult?
6. Why is it important to gather with others in tackling your addictions?
7. What role does hope in Christ, as your deliverer, play in all this?

Break up into groups of men and women:
1. From what sin, habit, or addiction do you need freedom?
2. Spend some time praying for each other.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Rising Hope -- 1 Peter 1:3-13 -- April 6, 2018

We’re in a new series: Rising Hope.  We will be talking about being in search of hope, how to find hope, how to have it in our lives, and what does hope mean.  We live in a culture that is moving rapidly where we see depression and suicide is on the rise. Social political debate are more cutting and divisive than ever.  What’s evident in our culture is the absence of real Hope. Our passage today tells us that we have a living Hope in Christ Jesus.

- Look back at God’s saving work in the past
- Look forward to God’s saving work in the future
- Look into the Gospel of Jesus Christ

1 Peter 1:3-13


1. Have you put your hope in someone or something and they failed you?  Explain.

2. What is your understanding of God’s saving work in the Old Testament?

3. What is your understanding of the Gospel of Jesus?

4. When did Jesus become real to you?  Was there a sense of hope in life? Explain.

5. What do you want to do with the Gospel of Jesus?

6. Is there a specific person that you can share the hope of Jesus to this week?

7. What is the Holy Spirit leading you to this week?

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Church of The Future -- 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 -- March 13, 2019

GETTING STARTED What are 5 things you are anticipating right now? This week we’re exploring Paul’s response to life after death for believers. In his reply, Paul makes three statements to the Christian community: (1) The resurrection of Jesus gives us confidence, (2) The dead and the living will come before Christ on His second coming, (3) There is hope beyond death. WE WANT TO: - Know that the bases of life are not the here and now. It is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus that gives us hope. - Look forward to Christ’s Second Coming. - Be encouraged in the midst of life because there is hope beyond death. READ 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18


 1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? 

 2. What do you think of when you hear the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus? How does it affect your life? 

 3. How would you live your life if you knew when Christ will return? 

 4. What is your understanding of the word “rapture”? 

 5. In light of the Second Coming, what steps can we take as a church to share the gospel of Christ to our community? How can your group keep each other accountable in this area? 

 6. Can you think of 3 names that you can share the gospel of Jesus with? What are practical steps that you can take towards sharing the gospel? 

 7. How can your group pray and encourage you?

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Church of The Future -- 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 -- March 2, 2019


Who are some people you respect and why?

This week we're exploring Paul's response to Timothy's report about Thessalonica. In his
reply, Paul provides three tactics for the church to win the respect of those outside the
Christian community: (1) demonstrating brotherly love, (2) minding one's own business, and
(3) working hard.

- Better understand why people in our neighborhoods, work places, and local communities
show respect to others.
- Commit to a life of brotherly love, minding our own business, and working hard.
- Invite the Holy Spirit to show us the areas we need His help.

1 Thessalonians 4:9-12



1. What do the terms “respect” and "contempt" mean to you? How do you define them?

2. What is Paul saying about phileo (“brotherly”) love in this passage?

3. How can our church increase in brotherly love? What can we do practically to
communicate love to one another (read John 13:34-35; Lev 19:18; 1 Pet 4:8; Rom 13:8; 1
John 3:18)?

4. What do you think it would have looked like to “lead a quiet life” in the ancient world (read
Job 3:26; 11:19; Ezek 38:11)? What do you think it would look like to “lead a quiet life”

5. What steps can we take as a church to mind our own business? How can we hold each
other accountable to this in a loving manner?

6. How should we, as Christians, approach work? How does this differ from culture's

7. In what areas of your life do you feel like it would be challenging to apply Paul's advice?

8. Why do you think Paul teaches that demonstrating brotherly love, minding your own
business, and working hard will win the respect of outsiders/unbelievers? How does this
apply to winning respect today?

9. What is at least one area in your life that you would like to win the respect of unbelievers?
How can your group be praying for you in this?

Monday, February 25, 2019

Church of the Future -- 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 -- February 25, 2019

This topic is about sanctifying our sexuality. Your small group may want to consider breaking into male and female groups. If you choose to break into male/female groups, make sure there is a leader in both equipped with these questions.

Who influenced you in the way you understood sexuality as a teenager/adult? Was this topic taboo or something you could easily talk about? Explain.

In this passage, Paul continues to encourage them to continue to walk with the Lord and grow in their sanctification. Specifically, Paul applies sanctification to their sexuality. 

- Challenge our perspectives and that of our culture.
- Understand how sanctification should impact our sexuality.
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to aid us in walking in holiness.

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

Video on 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8


1. What does “sanctification” mean to you? How do you define it? (See three perspectives: Hebrews 10:10, Hebrews 10:14, & Romans 6:22). How are you being sanctified now? Explain.

2. How would you respond to the statement, “All sex is good as long as you don’t hurt someone”? How would you rephrase that statement?

3. What does it look like for a church to control and honor God with our bodies?  What would the world/our culture say in response?

4. What other parts of Scripture shed light on this topic (e.g., Old Testament, Jesus, other writings by Paul, 1 Cor 6:18-20.)? How do we see God responding to those who have failed to control their bodies? (See David and Bathsheba, 1 Cor 5:1-5 & 2 Cor 2:5-8, 1 Cor 6:9-11)

5. What are some steps you can take to avoid sexual immorality? How can these help you live a sanctified and sexually pleasing life to God?

6. The church in Thessalonica had to make a strong stand against the behavior and attitudes of their culture to please God with their bodies. In what ways do we need to make a stand against our culture so we can please God, rather than culture? Explain.
7. How can you apply this message/discussion to your life? How can you help each other in your small group honor and control your bodies?

8. Are there other areas in your life you need to let the Holy Spirit work in your life to bring sanctification?

9. Take time to pray for our church in our sexual holiness and sanctification.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Church of the Future -- 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13 -- February 17, 2019

Small Group Questions for Sunday, Feb. 17, 2019. 
Pastor Ray will be preaching on the second of three prayers found in 1 Thessalonians. 

Enjoy the discussion with your group.

What do you pray for most of the time? What are your top three prayer requests?

This week we're looking at three ancient but timeless prayers that Paul prayed over the Thessalonian church. These prayers are also for us and lead to a glorious future.

- Trust the Lord and submit to His clear direction for our lives.
- Understand God's love for us so that it leads us to overflow with love for others.
- Partner with the Holy Spirit as He makes our hearts "blameless in holiness" for the day Jesus returns or calls us home.



Paul’s biggest concern is that the church will be able to stand "blameless in holiness" before God on the last day. Is that your biggest concern for the church today? Why or why not?

What three things does Paul pray for as he remembers the Thessalonian church?

First, he prays for a clear direction in order to be reunited with them. Review 1 Thess. 3:10. What does Paul want to accomplish in this visit? 

Why do you think Paul wants to “supply what is lacking in their faith”? How can we practice something similar with our friends and loved ones?

Second, he prays for their love to overflow. Who does he pray that they will love more?

Why is it important to love others in the church and outside the church? Why are both essential things to pray for?

Third, he prays that their hearts will be strengthened until Jesus returns. What do you think he wants them to be and experience in this life?

What is one area of your life you want to invite the Holy Spirit to change/develop so you can be “blameless in holiness” when you stand before him?

How does this change the way you will pray this week? Explain.